Friars Easter Triduum at Mother Cabrini, and Come and See

>> Sunday, March 23, 2008

Each spring the Capuchin Friars of Mid America offer a chance to come and experience the Church's highest holy days and spend some time in discernment. This years vocation retreat theme, "Rebuild My Church," which takes it's name from an encounter St. Francis of Assisi once had with the Lord. While kneeling before the San Damiano Crucifix, the saint heard the voice of Jesus say, "Francis... rebuild My church which, as you see, is in ruins... " Francis took the Lord quite literally and began to rebuild the physical structure of San Damiano Church. It was not long however, before the Lord sent him brothers, and a zealous new movement was begun. This movement would enkindle Europe, renew the Church, and spawn thousands and thousands of followers.

This year we were blessed with three men who requested to experience the friars, a weekend of prayer, fraternity, reflections on the Capuchin Franciscan spirituality and charism, as well as visits to our ministries among the poor in our local community.

The experience is held at Mother Cabrini Shrine in Denver, Colorado where Mother Cabrini, an Italian born Saint founded a orphanage, and a convent where her sisters still are present today.

Fr. John Lager asks the young men joined by two student friars to participate in all the Liturgies by serving and being up close and personal with the responsibilites that a Capuchin Friar might find himself doing.

Let us commend these and all those to our prayers who feel called by the Risen Lord to server and follow him more closely in that kingdom.


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