Two Friars Profess Final Vows

>> Thursday, April 3, 2008

For the first time in twelve years, the Capuchin Province of St. Conrad received two new brothers into Solemn vows (life-long).

On March 27 Br. Barnabas Eichor, O.F.M.Cap. and Br. Joseph Mary Elder, O.F.M.Cap. placed their hands into those of their Provincial Minister, Fr. Charles Polifka, O.F.M.Cap., and vowed to live the Evangelical Counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience for the remainder of their lives.
The celebration, which capped off a week-long assembly of meetings and prayer for the province's 50+ members, was held in the beautiful Church of St. Fidelis in Victoria, KS - better known as "The Cathedral of the Plains."
Capuchin Friars in the St. Conrad Province serve the people of Mid-America and have eight friaries in Missouri, Kansas, and Colorado. Along with many of the more established religious orders, the Capuchins suffered through a dry spell of vocations in the decades following the Second Vatican Council, but are actively seeking to renew themselves through a renvisioning of their Province and a return to the emphasis on prayer, poverty, austerity that was such a staple of the early Capuchin Reform.
The St. Conrad Province currently has three other brothers who are temporarily professed, all of whom will become eligible for final vows within the next three years. In addition, the province has four men studying for the priesthood at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver, CO.
Please pray for the friars of the Mid-America Province, that the Divine Master may continue to send them vocations as the Holy Spirit guides them in the renewal of their Capuchin spirituality.
Pax et Bonum!
For more on the brothers' final profession see this Related Article by Fr. Blaine Burkey, O.F.M.Cap.


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